Corinne Bailey Rae

著名英國創作歌手Corinne Bailey Rae將為KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023帶來一股爵士與騷靈風潮!Corinne Bailey Rae作為英國其中一位最具代表性的女歌手,今年九月推出的新作專輯《Black Rainbows》糅合音樂、文化、藝術、自我探索等多重元素,更大膽挑戰搖滾等截然不同的音樂風格,呈現出讓樂迷出乎意料卻一致著迷的多元品味。這位不止贏盡樂迷愛戴,更同時囊括格林美獎及黑人原創音樂獎的頂尖歌手首次來澳獻唱,教人如何不馬上逃離忙碌日常,沉浸於她精湛歌藝打造的音樂領域!

Iconic English singer / songwriter / musician Corinne Bailey Rae is going to have her first appearance in Macao! This R&B queen is releasing her latest album “Black Rainbows'' this September, which is a masterpiece with a deeper message of music, culture, art and self-exploring, also expressing the brand new side of her music style. This time she is bringing her greatest hits to all fans in KoolTai, and also showing the unpredictable but flawless transition of different music genres. You may know about her incredible achievements in Grammy Awards and MOBOS, but what you may not realize is that this would be your rare chance to bless your ears with her live performance! So remember to spare your day for KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023!




Lisa Ono