Jason Kui

被譽為香港音樂界「結他之神」的Jason Kui,是香港樂壇其中一位炙手可熱的青年結他樂手及音樂人,更為眾多知名歌手、組合擔任演唱會樂手。2017年2月推出首張個人結他音樂大碟《Absence Of Words》,曲風糅合流行搖滾、金屬、藍調、Funk、民搖於一體,充分演繹其高超的音樂造詣。在2020初與Prosthetic Records 發佈了第二張結他專輯《NAKA》,專輯風格涵蓋速彈和重型音樂風格之外,亦加入大量管弦樂元素;專輯合作陣容極盡豪華,請來包括Andy Timmons 和 Tom Quayle在內多位國際級大師客串,當中收錄的主打單曲「Pixel Invasion」更請來英國速彈大師 Andy James 參與演奏。

Hong Kong-based rock and blues musician and composer Jason Kui, also praised as the “God of Guitar”, has worked for many well-known artists and singers in Hong Kong and China. 2017, he released his debut album, “Absence of Words” , which features diverse sounds – modern metal, hard rock, funk and ballad – while integrating rock lead techniques and compelling melodies throughout. His second album “NAKA” was released in 2020, featuring various worldwide top-class guitarists such as Andy Timmons and Tom Quayle etc., the title track ”Pixel Invasion” also invited Andy James, the shredding master from England to participate.


王若琳 Joanna Wang


Supper Moment