Jessie J

Attention please! KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023將為大家送上風靡全球英國流行音樂天后Jessie J的澳門首演!Jessie J特立獨行的個性造型以及百變音樂風格不但虜獲全球西洋音樂樂迷的心,更為她帶來包括格林美獎提名在內,多個頂級音樂獎項加冕;這位技驚四座的樂壇Diva初次登上KoolTai舞台,除了帶來最火熱的現場演出還會有什麼驚喜呢?等你現場揭曉!

We all agree that “Price Tag” and “Bang Bang” are both crazy hits in Western music history, but hashtag #JessieJinMacao is surely gonna be a BANG in November! Our worldwide music diva Jessie J is going to make her first appearance in Macao, recognized for her unconventional performance style and insane singing ability, Jessie J has prepared more surprises for you guys in the show! Stay tuned!

