
澳門元老級搖滾樂隊Lavy於2007年結成,在本地搖滾音樂界享負盛名,更是推動澳門樂隊發展的先驅人物。目前以主唱VINCENT、貝斯手ANGELO、結他手YAZ三人體制活動,三位成員皆擁有超過二十年音樂演出經驗,卻依舊對音樂保持非一般的活力與好奇心,力證搖滾青春不死。Lavy的原創作品以美式流行搖滾風格為根基,滲透不同音樂音樂風格,多首代表作包括獲得第十屆澳門至愛新聽力「至愛歌曲獎」及「最佳演繹獎」,更登上澳門電台十大外語歌曲流行榜第一位的《Start all over》,以及《My Lonely Journey》、《I'm Not the One》、《MOTORCYCLE LONELINESS》等。

Macao senior rock band Lavy started their music career in 2007, known as one of the pioneers of the development of Macao's local rock band. They are founded by vocal VINCENT, Bassist ANGELO and guitarist YAZ, all three members have over 20 years of performing experience. but remains passionate and curious about music. Lavy’s music is influenced by American pop-rock style, mixed with different elements. Their masterpiece “Start all Over” won the "Favorite Song Award" and “Best Performance” of "TDM Best Of The Pop Award", others hit songs such as “My Lonely Journey”, “I'm Not the One” and “MOTORCYCLE LONELINESS” also inspire the new-born rock bands till now.


側田 Justin


Zee Avi